Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Soul that He Sustaineth

I wrote this poem back in 1982 while I was still a student at Moody.  It is based on the scripture:

Psalms 54:4 - Behold God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.

The Soul that He Sustaineth

oh soul that deeply grieveth
well acquainted with despair.
thou dost know of Him
who has handled them
before thy heart
would weep or care.

thou dost know of One
who hears the pulse
of thy feeble, troubled heart,
who is touched by thy weakness
who knows thy end before it starts.

and soul, this One knows
how transient thou art,
and that thy life is naught but dust
He sees the depths of thy aching heart
and knows it longs to trust.

thy soul is consumed with maddening fire
that is guided by His hand,
yet He carries you gently
through the flames
to bring forth His perfect plan.

oh soul, be thou still and quiet.
rest. . .
for soon thou wilt hear and tell,
and thou dost know deep within
thy breast,
that He doeth all things well....

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