I have been a follower of Jesus for over forty years, and I understand and believe the basic truth that "all things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28). I usually have this in the forefront of my heart and mind, but sometimes during those precarious moments, my thoughts run rampant with a flood of emotions, and I just want to go to sleep and dream it all away. Unfortunately, that rarely accomplishes anything. Even though it is so stressful, I am compelled to reach out to my Lord, to lean into Him for his love and support. I remember that He is in control; that He is sovereign and that He has my best interest in mind. I have to be willing to wait for His timing and not push for my agenda, and say, "not my will, but thine." But even after forty years, it is not always easy to trust Him because I am human and can be easily influenced by my emotions. It is during those moments when I look back in the past and see how He has provided for me and remember that He does love me very much and always will take care of me and my family. He has never let me down before, and I do not believe He will start now.
Right now I need to move from my house where I have lived for over twelve years. It's a complicated situation, but this is one of the most intensely difficult decisions I have had to make, and it is an absolutely mind boggling process when I think about all that is involved: finding a suitable place to live for a reasonable price, packing up, decluttering and then moving across town. It sounds simple on paper, but it's the unknown waiting part that causes me to become numb and filled with panic, worried about what is ahead of me. It's that awful WAITING -- because I do not know WHEN the Lord will reveal His purpose for me, but I know it will happen -- in His time.
I was reading my Bible today and was encouraged by the verses in Psalm 84, especially, verses 3, 5 and 11:
1. How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD of hosts!
2. My soul longs, yes, faints
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and flesh sing for joy
to the living God.
3. Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O LORD of hosts,
my King and my God.
4. Blessed are those who dwell in your house,
ever singing your praise! Selah
5. Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
6. As they go through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs;
the early rain also covers it with pools.
7. They go from strength to strength;
each one appears before God in Zion.
8. O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer;
give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah
9. Behold our shield, O God;
look on the face of your anointed!
10. For a day in your courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
11. For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold
from those who walk uprightly with Him.
12. O LORD of hosts,blessed is the one who trusts in you!
If He so lovingly provides for the needs of a mother sparrow and her young baby birds...then most certainly He will meet the needs of me and my children. It's just hard to wait for His timing. Verse 5 says, "blessed are those whose strength is in You." That brings comfort to me because it confirms what verse 11 says, "no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly with Him." It is a gentle reminder of what He expects from me. And since I have the Holy Spirit residing within me, and because my strength is in Him, I know I have the ability to walk uprightly with Him every day, even though I have these emotional set backs from time to time.
Thank you heavenly Father for loving me enough to provide for my needs in your way and in your timing. Help me to trust you and believe you. I love you so much dear Lord and I am so glad that you love me back even more!! Amen
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