I was “vision-casted” upon for the first time when I was just 17 years old in Key West, Florida. I was a senior in high school and a regular attender of a bible study on Tuesday nights which was taught by an older Navy chaplain friend of mine, Paul Riess. For over a year we studied the book of Romans with a group of people of all ages and every demographic – where I was the youngest and the oldest was this amazing artist, Carolyn Fuller, who was in her late 60’s and an avowed agnostic. I loved being with these fun and unusual people and was inspired to write even back then about my adventures and friendship with them.
My friend Paul had become sort of a father figure to me and was a constant source of encouragement to me in my writing since I would often read my lastest poem or short story with him. I remember a time after one of our reading sessions when he pulled me aside and said that he believed I had a great deal of depth and insight into human nature and that my discernment and perception of people was well beyond my young years. I could not fully understand (or even believe) what he was talking about, and at the time I thought he was just saying that to be nice to me. But, after a while, I started to believe him because much of what I had written about these people, some of my predictions, thoughts and perceptions (unbeknownst to me at the time) were actually true or eventually came to pass. I was able to see "things" in people and understand them without having any real tangible reason to explain it. I actually thought everyone could see what I saw, but later was surprised to learn that this was not the case. It was a strange but unusual gift and one that I still use on occasion when the Lord presents me with an opportunity to encourage someone and as I allow myself to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading. The point is that I would never have developed this gift had I not been encouraged to see it and to use it by this awesome man, my friend the vision-caster, Paul Riess.
Ultimately, I knew the Lord wanted me to be the Chief Vision-Caster when I became a mother. He wanted me to build a vision for my children to help them know and understand what they were capable of and what could they could achieve in and throughout their lives. I did that especially when they were still young and I continued throughout their childhood and teen years. I prayed for them that as they matured they would have a vision of how incredibly gifted they were and how much more it would expand if they lived a life that honored the Lord. Now I know I have not always been consistent and sometimes I have failed in my job as a parent. Thankfully the Lord forgives me (and hopefully they do!) as He still sees fit to use me in their lives. They are (as am I) a work in progress – and I have been so blessed when I know they see glimpses of the "big picture" of their future on the horizon.
Throughout the years, I was encouraged to see how the Lord would continue to develop this spiritual gift in me. I saw that He was also cultivating in me another variance of the gift -- one that involved prayer and comfort and empathizing with what someone was going through . This was somewhat uncomfortable for me because I knew the Lord would sometimes want me to stop and pray with someone -- whether I knew them really well or not -- but especially when I sensed a need in them, that they needed to be encouraged and lifted up. I would have never thought to do that before with someone on the spot, in person, on the phone (or now sometimes by text). It was not something that was initially easy for me, but I knew that if He brought someone along who needed that touch, that hug or prayer, then I needed to be willing to obey. I knew the Lord wanted others see themselves as He saw them. I was (and still am) constantly surprised that He has developed this heart in me -- to cast a vision onto the path of others so they can strive to become all the Lord wants them to be.
My friend Paul had become sort of a father figure to me and was a constant source of encouragement to me in my writing since I would often read my lastest poem or short story with him. I remember a time after one of our reading sessions when he pulled me aside and said that he believed I had a great deal of depth and insight into human nature and that my discernment and perception of people was well beyond my young years. I could not fully understand (or even believe) what he was talking about, and at the time I thought he was just saying that to be nice to me. But, after a while, I started to believe him because much of what I had written about these people, some of my predictions, thoughts and perceptions (unbeknownst to me at the time) were actually true or eventually came to pass. I was able to see "things" in people and understand them without having any real tangible reason to explain it. I actually thought everyone could see what I saw, but later was surprised to learn that this was not the case. It was a strange but unusual gift and one that I still use on occasion when the Lord presents me with an opportunity to encourage someone and as I allow myself to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading. The point is that I would never have developed this gift had I not been encouraged to see it and to use it by this awesome man, my friend the vision-caster, Paul Riess.
Ultimately, I knew the Lord wanted me to be the Chief Vision-Caster when I became a mother. He wanted me to build a vision for my children to help them know and understand what they were capable of and what could they could achieve in and throughout their lives. I did that especially when they were still young and I continued throughout their childhood and teen years. I prayed for them that as they matured they would have a vision of how incredibly gifted they were and how much more it would expand if they lived a life that honored the Lord. Now I know I have not always been consistent and sometimes I have failed in my job as a parent. Thankfully the Lord forgives me (and hopefully they do!) as He still sees fit to use me in their lives. They are (as am I) a work in progress – and I have been so blessed when I know they see glimpses of the "big picture" of their future on the horizon.
Throughout the years, I was encouraged to see how the Lord would continue to develop this spiritual gift in me. I saw that He was also cultivating in me another variance of the gift -- one that involved prayer and comfort and empathizing with what someone was going through . This was somewhat uncomfortable for me because I knew the Lord would sometimes want me to stop and pray with someone -- whether I knew them really well or not -- but especially when I sensed a need in them, that they needed to be encouraged and lifted up. I would have never thought to do that before with someone on the spot, in person, on the phone (or now sometimes by text). It was not something that was initially easy for me, but I knew that if He brought someone along who needed that touch, that hug or prayer, then I needed to be willing to obey. I knew the Lord wanted others see themselves as He saw them. I was (and still am) constantly surprised that He has developed this heart in me -- to cast a vision onto the path of others so they can strive to become all the Lord wants them to be.
Unfortunately, over the past several years - due to some sad experiences and poor choices on my part, I found myself floating in limbo, sitting on a self-imposed back burner, resigned to live on the top shelf for the rest of my days, where I did not believe the Lord would ever use me again. I pretty much gave up on the idea of helping others see what they were capable of becoming. For most of those years, I became an emotional recluse living in bleak isolation, rarely reaching out and staying to myself. Not a good thing and not a good place to be. But I felt so inadequate and truly believed that I was permanently spiritually disabled. Ultimately, as I came to understand His full forgiveness for me and His impeccable, incredible love for me, I was compelled to place my trust in Him again. Then He would be sure to get the glory and I would always defer to Him as the being the source of this gift.
It has only been in the past year or so that I have sensed the Lord leading me to help others again. I want to become the vision-caster that Paul Riess was to me and to so many others. But I had to be willing to dust myself off that top shelf, jump off in faith, and tread slowly forward in active obedience. And the results have been awesome! I never tire of watching someone “get it” because they were willing to step out and see what God has for them.
I was recently inspired by an author, Bob Goff who wrote a book called "Love Does" where the author, who undoubtedly is a true vision-caster, challenges his readers to live a life of loving others, proactively, purposely, intentionally, definitely and actively! I am still reading the book, and it is encouraging me to look at life differently and to see things outside the box, to be sensitive to listen to the Spirit's leading, and to allow myself to be used by the Lord -- AGAIN! I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me now, and I am not afraid anymore. I do want to be a blessing to others and to continue in this vision-casting journey that He has brought my way.
Thank you Jesus for your mercy and kindness and help me to be sensitive to the needs of others, to pray for them when they need a prayer, to hug them and weep with them when they're hurting and need a human touch, and to show them that you have never given up on them and that you have great plans for them (Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future).

Thank you Jesus for your mercy and kindness and help me to be sensitive to the needs of others, to pray for them when they need a prayer, to hug them and weep with them when they're hurting and need a human touch, and to show them that you have never given up on them and that you have great plans for them (Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future).
What a beautiful an inspiring story. We need to remember God is always there even in our darkest hour and our lives have a higher purpose. Thanks for sharing.