Saturday, September 10, 2016

Anger Issues - GRRRRRR

Everyone in this world has anger issues – some more than others and unfortunately, most of them are unresolved for some people.  It is so evident, wherever you are, whatever you are doing – that you will often see somebody displaying their anger from the expression on their face towards someone else and their negative rude comments towards that individual.  There are many interesting things about “anger.”  First of all – it is a typical emotion that is very common among every living creative, both animals and humans.   We all have reasons to be upset, angry, or mad.  It’s just what we do with those emotions that will make the difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

There have been so many pictures that people have posted or shared about a child being upset with their parent who is forcing them to do something they just don’t want to do.  So you will often see a picture of the angry child and the angry parent together.  This is where it starts but unfortunately, it does not ever end there.  

It is very essential for the parent to lovingly and graciously explain to the child why they need to do this or that and to kindly let them know that there will be some consequences if the child chooses not to obey his or her parent.  It is not a matter of “do what I say NOW! Or else!!!!” – that is only going to cause a retaliation of anger on the side of the child which will just go back and forth between the two of them in an unresolved, unhealthy manner. 

Another interesting fact about anger is that sometimes we are truly justified in being upset about whatever it is that is going on around us or what is happening to us.  For example, it is so common for people on both sides of the political fences to be very upset today about all these negative news reports shown on TV or the internet, especially when there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop these things from getting worse.  It can also trigger a lot of anger and fear in people to see all these reports about crime and terrorism going on in our country and overseas.  We do have a right to be upset about what’s happening in this world, but unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it except to pray and trust the Lord to get us through these difficult days and to avoid over-reacting in a negative way.  Being angry about these things does not help resolve any of these situations in life, especially when most of what we see or hear on TV is BAD news and not GOOD news.

Now when someone is abusive or mean-spirited towards us, that can also trigger anger within our hearts in how we respond to that behavior, especially if we did nothing wrong to that person to deserve their abuse.  Some people do interact with that person with their own rage and ultimately pay the consequences by experiencing more physical and emotional damage.  Others may just turn and walk away without saying a word, but their anger is still buried deep within their heart.  So how do we handle these emotions in a healthy, responsible way?  

I know when I was a young teenager, I had a very abusive step-father who did physically abuse me so many times, and I tried not respond in anger verbally or in any other way because I was afraid of getting hurt even worse – so I would just usually say, “yes sir” and walk away.  But deep inside I was extremely furious about how he treated me, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it at that point.  I could not wait until I was able to move out of the house, which I did the day after I graduated from high school – because he kicked me out – but thankfully I had a friend whose family allowed me to live with them for a while. 

The problem with handling this type of anger in that “walk away” mode is that it triggered what I call a “justice kick” where I would allow myself to get upset at other people around me who were mistreating or abusing a friend, a co-worker or a family member.  I felt like it was my responsibility to reach out and protect them from the hurt they were experiencing.  I was a “fixer-upper” type person who was constantly trying to help others, but unfortunately, not in the best format.  I would yell and scream at them and tell them to leave that person alone or else they would be in trouble.  

Now I may have been right in that I was upset because a friend of mine was being mistreated or hurt, but the way I handled it was NOT in a mature, healthy way.  It would typically cause a retaliation response between me and that person and nothing was ever really resolved in a good way.  So how should I have dealt with this?  What should I have said to that person?  First of all, I should have toned down my voice and not have allowed my attitude to become persnickety towards them.  I should have said in a gracious but firm manner that it was not good for them to treat that person next to me so badly or perhaps kindly explain to them that they should not verbally mistreat that friend of mine.  Now if that person continued to get mad at my friend and towards me, and if they did not respond in a mature manner – then it would NOT have been my job to react to them in an angry way, nor should I have just walked away with a grumpy look on my face as I glared back at them.  I should have allowed myself to be sad and not mad.  I should have just walked away with my friend who was being hurt and prayed over them, and encourage them to stay away from that person.

Unfortunately, I did not react that way and it was often a back and forth verbally abusive interaction between me and that mean person since I felt “justified” that I was doing the right thing in defending my friend in that way, but it only triggered more and more anger deep within me towards that other person.  I did not ever understand at that time in my life about how wrong it was for me to be the way I was. 

It reminds me of this movie I recently saw (just a short part of, not the whole movie) on TV at home called “Erin Brockovich” starring Julia Roberts, which is based on a true story about a lady who worked for an attorney.  She had some really serious anger issues towards everyone around her and always over-reacted to everyone when she was upset.  She would constantly yell at people and cuss them out because of what they said or did, and the interesting thing is that she was often right about the reasons why she was upset with these people – but, unfortunately, she went about expressing herself in a really horrible, unhealthy way.   She definitely had a lot of unresolved baggage issues throughout her life which triggered these terrible anger fits that she displayed throughout the movie.  Some of these scenes made me realize how I would have been had I not worked through my anger issues many years ago.  I would have probably continued to over-react a lot like she did.  The Lord helped me to see the perspective that even though she was right about some of the things she was concerned about or angry towards, she could have expressed herself in a more mature, gracious way, but she obviously never seemed to even be aware of these problems that she was continuing to nurture and build up within herself.  I felt the Lord speak to my heart, “See that…if you had not gone through that therapy and counseling to deal with your forgiveness of your dad, you would have been just like that woman!!” I totally agree with Him and I’m so glad He helped me to see that!

I am so grateful that when I did go to therapy with a counselor in my early 20’s, this person helped me see that a lot of these “justice kick” anger issues were because of the abusive behavior I endured as a child and teenager from my step-father.  I had to learn more about what anger was and how to deal with forgiveness towards someone who had hurt or abused me.  I learned that forgiveness was for my benefit and that it would ultimately help me heal from all the hurt I had experienced as a child.  It would also help me to move forward in a better, healthier way in my life, especially in how I interacted with people around me.  I also learned that it did not mean I had to expect that person to ask for forgiveness from me, nor did I have to let them know that I forgave them.  It was all on my end.  I had to see and understand that the Lord had forgiven me and then I had to turn around and be willing to forgive those who hurt me.  I also learned that the sooner I would work through those problems that eventually I would also learn how to reach out and help others in a healthy way without it triggering all those horrible anger issues I had been dealing with.  It was amazing how over the years I became transformed in my understanding and my actions in that I did not continue to over-react towards people like that anymore.

There are a lot of verses throughout the Bible that refer to anger and how it can so adversely affect our lives.  Proverbs 29:11 states, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”  Proverbs 15:18 talks about A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.”  We should be more like this as Proverbs 16:24 states: “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” and Proverbs 15:1 – “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Another thing about unresolved anger issues is that if people do not work on these things in their own individual lives, then every relationship they are in, whether it be with friends, family members, co-workers, the person they are dating or their spouse, will become severely damaged or ultimately destroyed.  It does not matter whether you are younger, older, male, female, married or single – all these unresolved anger problems will continue to mess up the connective relationship you have with others in your life.  It is essential that each person is willing to work on their own problems, to see this perspective and to ultimately trust that the Lord will help heal these things.  Even if you have personally dealt with your own anger issues, you may be in a relationship with or married to someone who has NOT dealt with their anger problems or they may not even be aware that this is even going on inside their heart.

So how does one handle that situation?  It is so important to deal with conflict in a better way.  First, you must be willing to pray for that person who may still be going through a hard time dealing with these things and also be willing to forgive them if they continue to be angry and argue with you so often.  Sometimes that person may be struggling with something else that has made them mad.  They may have had a bad situation at work or they may have experienced some physical health issues which upset them, and you may have no knowledge at all about any of this.  Then they will often over react to you in a negative way when you communicate with them about other things.  You can take it personally and wonder what you did to make them mad at you.  It can also trigger your own past anger issues, even though you may have already dealt with them, but it’s how we handle it from this point on that will make a difference in that relationship.  Now you can choose to respond to them in a negative way.   You can be reactive rather than proactive which shows you’re functioning out of your flesh rather than your spirit.  You don’t want to just walk away and ignore that person while you are experiencing the hurt and pain they have brought upon you.  Sometimes that kind of reaction to will continue to build up over a period of time within your heart and soul, and eventually, you may just blurt out a lot of terrible comments to that person in a mean-spirited violent way.  It is typically normal to feel sad and hurt and even sometimes mad that this person has mistreated you like that, but if you really care about them and your relationship and you know that they really care about you, then you should both be willing to graciously discuss these problems with each other and not in a bad way.  

Now if that person truly loves you and loves the Lord, then most likely, they will see how they have mistreated you, and they will ask for your forgiveness for being that way, and of course, you should forgive them and discuss these things in a loving manner in order to resolve these conflicts.  Ultimately, if you deal with these problems like this, you will have a much healthier relationship with that person, and you will both be able to see the difference.

Perhaps you should encourage that person to see a counselor to help them work through some of the things they are going through, or maybe you both could see that same counselor to help you deal with how these negative things affect your relationship.  It’s just very important that you do not continue to go back and forth and retaliate against each other in response to these arguments you keep having as we need to be aware of how damaging these issues can be in all of our relationships.  

It is so very important to realize that once both individuals have worked through these issues and understand more about and accept the Lord’s forgiveness, then their relationship with each other will become strengthened and honoring to the Lord in every way, especially as they both can reflect His love, His grace and His glory in how they respond to each other in loving, gracious ways.

Ephesians 4:26-27 states, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.”

Over the years I have heard from several of my married friends that they made a promise with each other that they would "not let the sun go down on their anger" especially if they were having some arguments or conflicts with their spouse, and they were willing to work on those things before they went to sleep at night.  That's so encouraging!

It is absolutely essential to keep in mind that it is NEVER too late to work on these problems and that the Lord can bring about healing in your life.  Also remember that there will continue to be serious consequences to your relationships if you are NOT willing to deal with these things.  But thankfully, the results of the resolution of these problems will reflect some amazing miracles that will always honor the Lord Jesus Christ!  Amen!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dealing With Your Baggage Claims Together

This song listed below, "If We're Honest" by Francesca Battistelli is so awesome.  It speaks about one of the most common problems people have in this world - whether they are younger, older, male or female, single, dating someone or married or widowed -- dealing with unresolved "baggage issues."  Everyone has had problems with bad situations that have happened in their life and unfortunately, many do not understand how to deal with these things.  If we don't recognize these issues and make a proactive effort to work through them with the Lord's help, then we will continue to have even more problems in every area of our life, which will adversely and negatively affect everyone we're involved with, whether it be the spouse, the boyfriend/girlfriend, co-workers, neighbors, family members, friends, etc.  They will over-react to us and we will over-react to them.  But thankfully it IS possible to work through these things, even though it does take time and effort on our part as well as our faith and trust in the Lord to help us - regardless of whether we are single, dating or married to someone. 

Even if the people we care about in our lives are struggling with these things, we need to be more compassionate and understanding of what they're going through and willing to help them if we can (without being a rescuer or fixer-upper). 

Thankfully the Lord has helped me to resolve my baggage issues years ago, and I can see the "big picture" and the difference it has made in my life -- even though sometimes the Enemy, Satan, will try and use the past to remind me of those things I struggled with, which is why I have to keep looking forward and not keep looking back.

We have to always keep in mind that it is never too late to deal with these "issues."  We know that in every stage of life we will experience some difficult things, but we can work through them if we're willing to rely on the Lord.  

The song "If We're Honest" (lyrics and link below) is specifically about two people who are connected together, whether as good friends, a dating couple or a married couple - and how they can overcome these things if they're willing to deal with it in the Lord's way and then they ultimately become people who bring Honor to His name because they're "honest," transparent, real and care deeply about each other.

Another good and positive thing to remember is that if we trust the Lord to help us work through these issues, then we will become stronger emotionally, relationally, spiritually, and in every other way, and the Lord will use us in the future to help others who are going through the same thing.  We will see that nothing is ever wasted in God's economy and that even if we make bad choices and mistakes, He will forgive us and/or help us to forgive others who have hurt us.  He will help us to move forward and to keep looking ahead in His direction -- not our own.

If We're Honest - by Francesca Battistelli

Truth is harder than a lie
The dark seems safer than the light
And everyone has a heart that loves to hide
I'm a mess and so are you
We've built walls nobody can get through
Yeah, it may be hard, but the best thing we could ever do, ever do
Bring your brokenness, and I'll bring mine
Cause love can heal what hurt divides
And mercy's waiting on the other side
If we're honest
If we're honest

Don't pretend to be something that you're not
Living life afraid of getting caught
There is freedom found when we lay
our secrets down at the cross, at the cross
Bring your brokenness, and I'll bring mine
'Cause love can heal what hurt divides
And mercy's waiting on the other side
If we're honest
If we're honest
It would change our lives
It would set us free
It's what we need to be
If we're honest
If we're honest

Here's a link to another blog entry on "baggage claims" and how the Lord can help us get through these things!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Where I Could Have Been

I wrote this poem over 38 years ago on January 15, 1978 (when I was just 19 years old).  I'm so glad the Lord has helped me to see things HIS way over the years and NOT just MY way....I'm thankful He gave me those words to write "back in the day" and that even though we still have difficulties throughout our life, we can still continue to trust in Him to help us!

There’s times when I am lonely and saddened by the day…
Then I wonder how my life would be had I chose another way. . .
I wonder how I’d get along without the Lord to lead.
Who's name would be upon my lips to help me in my need?
When friends would seem so far from me with troubles of their own…
I’d never have a place to go and always be alone.
Who would guide me in the darkness? On whom could I depend?
To lead me in the way to go, to reach my journey’s end?
But then I think of how it is, not how it could have been.
Of where I am by God’s own grace and my heart is blessed again.
And though there’s times I’ll doubt and fear and try to reason why,
I know that deep inside I’m sure He’s always by my side.
He loves me in a way that I will never understand.
He has the best in mind for me and weaves it in His plan.
It takes time to learn a lesson when your heart is not in tune,
To listen to the Spirit’s call to fill you through and through.
So when I get discouraged from the way things seem to be,
I’ll think of my dear Savior and His precious love for me.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Removing the Rooted Weeds from my Life

I went outside today and saw that my huge “farm yard” field had so many new tall weeds throughout the whole area.  I asked my son to help me start de-weeding that section and told him that I would work on other areas in the front yard.  He started working on it for about a half an hour.  Unfortunately, he was unwilling to finish the project and asked if he could just cut the grass in the field instead of having to take all that time to remove the weeds.  I told him that I would prefer he continue de-weeding, but l knew I could not force him to take all that time to do that – so I said he could go ahead and cut the grass.

 I could see that it was very time consuming to do all that, but I also realized that it was more significant to de-weed and pull up the roots rather than just cut the grass, especially since those nasty weeds would keep coming back bigger and stronger.  I continued for a while to work outside in a small section of the front yard to pull up a lot of the weeds from the roots.  
Then I looked ahead and saw that there was so much more to do, which was a bit overwhelming for me, so I tried to make myself stay focused on what was just nearby.  I knew I would not be able to finish the task in a short period of time, but at least I was willing to get started.

This also reminded me why we need to continue to “de-weed” our own lives with the help of the Lord to get those roots pulled out (instead of just trying to cut off the top part), so that He will help remove all the things that have hindered and hurt us. Otherwise, those deeply rooted weeds in our lives will continue to grow bigger and stronger and try to mess us up. It also reminded me of the fact that as believers in Christ, we need to make sure that we understand that we are rooted and grounded in His love.  

Ephesians 3:17-19 states: so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Also, we need to realize that as we learn to trust in the Lord, we will see that we are in a sense “like trees which are planted by water and that sends out its roots by the stream.”  Jeremiah 17:7-8 refers to that illustration and helps us to understand that our roots are different than the deeply rooted weeds that infect our lives.   

I would much rather have my roots strengthened by the Lord than to be defeated and overwhelmed by the deeply entrenched weeds that are all around us – which the Enemy often uses to defeat us.  Hebrews 12:14-15 states that we are “strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.  See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no ‘root of bitterness’ springs up and causes trouble and by it many become defiled.”

If we meditate on the Word of God, we will see how our roots grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord.  The Spirit of God also shows us how the scriptures help us deal with the negative weeds in our lives as we allow our own roots to become deeply strengthened by Him so that we can move forward in life.  We also have to remember that it does take time for all this to happen, just like when we are involved in de-weeding of our own yards.  But thankfully, the Lord gives us the wisdom, insight and discernment to see this from His perspective and not our own – so that we can trust Him to complete these things in our life.

I do believe it is very important to pull up the weeds from the roots and cast them aside while the Lord to continues to deepen our own roots since we are built up in Him (Colossians 2:7).  I am willing to be patient and take the time for this to be completed in my life because I look forward to becoming strengthened in my faith and walk with the Lord. Amen! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Prayer to My Dear Father

I thank you dear Lord for your awesome great care
That follows me and comforts me, everywhere!
Even though I often feel hurt and distressed
You’re always there for me and know what’s best.
Despite the hurtful attacks I keep on receiving
From the Enemy’s efforts to continue deceiving.
I can feel the presence of your gracious dear love
As you kindly lift me off the ground from heaven above.
I know your Spirit resides deep within my heart
And is there to keep my life from falling apart.
I know His goal for me is to renew and transform
My mind and my thoughts since I have been reborn.
But sometimes I am distracted and often feel defeated.
Yet I see how much you love me and how well that I am treated.
I’ve experienced your healing from the loving prayers of others,
Those whom you’ve placed into my life—my sisters and my brothers.
My thoughts should be on who you are and how you answer prayers.
As I continue to focus on your love which I will turn around and share!
